Tuesday, January 23, 2018

NATOs Beginning

NATOs Beginning

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Alliances with many countries aren’t for everyone, but for many it’s really effective. In the year 1949 the Communist expansion informed many Western nations including the United States of America to form what is now the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO for short. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in the year 1949 by countries like Canada, The United States of America, and several Western European nations to provide an composed security team to go against the Soviet Union. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an formal alliance between countries and territories of North America and Europe. From its establishment the main purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was to defend each other from the possibility of communist Soviet Union taking control of their nation. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was the first  peacetime military alliance the United States of America entered into outside of the Western Hemisphere. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established on April 4th, 1949 by the United States of America’s 33rd president President Harry S. Truman in the United States of America’s Capital Washington D.C. The United States of America’s 33rd President Harry S. Truman Signed the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4th 1949, and was approved by the United States in August 1949. I think this was a great idea! It’s very helpful and it’s what's best for the country of the United States. I also feel like it’s very helpful for countries in Europe so they won’t lose their land messing around with the Soviet Union.
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For more information about the formation of the National  Atlantic Treaty Organization click here

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