Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Spanish Revolution

The Spanish Revolution
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Why did the Spaniards decide to have a civil war? The Spanish Civil War happened because the military revolted against the Republican government of  Spain, supported by Spain's traditional people. When the original military's plan starting a coup failed to win the entire country, a bloody civil war began because of this. Both sides fought with great brutality. Nationalist received aid from Italy and the Nazi’s from Germany. The Republicans received aid from International Brigades, and the Soviet Union. The Spanish Civil was were for 3 long years. In the 1900s from 1936 to 1939. The Spanish Civil War was located in Spain and started in Morocco,Spain. Throughout the Spanish civil war the fought at places such as Spain, Canary Islands, Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Spanish protectorate in Morocco, Spanish Sahara, North Sea, and Spanish Guinea. People involved were Spain, England, The United States, the Soviet Union, Italy, and Nazi’s from Germany. Francisco Franco the prime minister of that time ended up winning the  Spanish civil war. The Spanish civil war was a war that were fought between the military and the republicans of Spain. It ended up happening because the military didn’t get control of the whole country. In the end both sides had help from powerful allies but the prime minister’s Francisco Franco’s side were the winners. In my view, the military were the wrong ones. They shouldn’t of seized power because it got most of the killed in a pointless bloodshed war. I was happy to know that the Prime Minister of that time Francisco Franco’s side who was loyal to the Royals of Spain ended up winning in the very end. I was sad though that lot’s of lives ended up getting lost in countless of meaningless bloodshed.
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To learn about the Spanish Civil War click here

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