Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Brazils Overtaking

Brazils Overtaking

Image result for Pedro Álvares CabralWhy did Portuguese claim Brazil?  Pedro Alvares Cabral,  went on an journey to India assigned to him by King Manuel the first of Portugal, because King Manuel the first of Portugal wanted more land. Pedro Alvares Cabral, was a Portuguese explorer  who was Born in 1467, Belmonte, Portugal and Died in 1520, Santarém, Portugal. Pedro Alvares Cabral was assigned to discover Brazil. Pedro Alvares Cabral, led an expedition in the year 1500 to the East Indies on the introduced route by Vasco da Gama, Cabral, Pedra Alvares took a west course in the Atlantic toa void the terrorizing wings and currents. On the westward course in the Atlantic Ocean he touched the coast of Brazil and claimed it for Portugal.  King Manuel the first sent 13 ships out on the route of Vasco da Gama on March 9, 1500 with Pedro Alvares Cabral being on one of those ships.  On April 22nd 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral saw Brazil’s land first. He then began heading for the land. Once on the land he claimed Brazil for Portugal and named the country “Island of the True Cross”  Brazil got its current name from the Brazilwood tree. In Portuguese Brazil wood is called pau-brasil. Brazil first got its name from Pedro Alvares Cabral which named it ILha de Vera Cruz or Island of the True Cross. But as soon as they realized Brazil wasn’t an island they quickly renamed it to Terra de Santa Cruz or Land of the Holy Cross.  In my view, this is very interesting. He actually found Brazil, unlike Christopher Columbus a phony. Also, it’s amazing that Pedro Alvares Cabral came up with a holy name for Brazil even though it said island. I also find it very fascinating that Brazil was so easy to find. It only took Pedro Álvares Cabral a month to find Brazil.

Image result for Pedro Álvares Cabral

To learn more about Portuguese Colonizing Brazil click here

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