Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Freeing of mexico

Freeing Of Mexico
Why did Mexico Want Independence so bad from the Spaniards?  Mexico wanted Independence Spain because they wanted to be on their own. Mexicans thought they could handle managing a country without Spain so they wanted Independence. Eventually Mexicans started a war to get Independence from Spain because they thought their country should be treated like an equal to Spain not under ruled by the Spanish. In the early 19th century, Napoleon's occupation of Spain led to the eruptions of rebellions all across Spanish America. On September 16, 1810, a Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Introduced the Mexican War of Independence with the issuing of his Grito de Dolores, or “Cry of Dolores.” Mexico fought for 14 long years and finally achieved Independence from Spain on October 4th 1824.  A Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, launched the Mexican War of Independence with the issuing of his Grito de Dolores. The revolutionary tract, so-named because it was publicly read by Hidalgo in the town of Dolores, called for the end of 300 years of Spaniards rule in Mexico. On Mexican independence day  or in Spanish Dia de la Independencia they celebrate the Cry of Independence on September 16th, 1810 which started the rebellion against the Spaniards. It follows after the day of the Cry of Dolores or in Spanish El Grito de Dolores, which is on September 15th. The Mexican Independence War took place all over mexico. In my view Mexico was right. They could handle themselves. Everyone deserves a chance to be on their own. This ended up to be the correct answer to Mexico’s problem, since they wanted to be on their own they declared Independence after a serious Independence war. Since Mexico gained Independence they have done a phenomenal  job with their country.

For more information of the independence of Mexico here

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