Tuesday, January 23, 2018

NATOs Beginning

NATOs Beginning

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Alliances with many countries aren’t for everyone, but for many it’s really effective. In the year 1949 the Communist expansion informed many Western nations including the United States of America to form what is now the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO for short. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in the year 1949 by countries like Canada, The United States of America, and several Western European nations to provide an composed security team to go against the Soviet Union. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an formal alliance between countries and territories of North America and Europe. From its establishment the main purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was to defend each other from the possibility of communist Soviet Union taking control of their nation. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was the first  peacetime military alliance the United States of America entered into outside of the Western Hemisphere. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established on April 4th, 1949 by the United States of America’s 33rd president President Harry S. Truman in the United States of America’s Capital Washington D.C. The United States of America’s 33rd President Harry S. Truman Signed the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4th 1949, and was approved by the United States in August 1949. I think this was a great idea! It’s very helpful and it’s what's best for the country of the United States. I also feel like it’s very helpful for countries in Europe so they won’t lose their land messing around with the Soviet Union.
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For more information about the formation of the National  Atlantic Treaty Organization click here

Brazils Overtaking

Brazils Overtaking

Image result for Pedro Álvares CabralWhy did Portuguese claim Brazil?  Pedro Alvares Cabral,  went on an journey to India assigned to him by King Manuel the first of Portugal, because King Manuel the first of Portugal wanted more land. Pedro Alvares Cabral, was a Portuguese explorer  who was Born in 1467, Belmonte, Portugal and Died in 1520, Santarém, Portugal. Pedro Alvares Cabral was assigned to discover Brazil. Pedro Alvares Cabral, led an expedition in the year 1500 to the East Indies on the introduced route by Vasco da Gama, Cabral, Pedra Alvares took a west course in the Atlantic toa void the terrorizing wings and currents. On the westward course in the Atlantic Ocean he touched the coast of Brazil and claimed it for Portugal.  King Manuel the first sent 13 ships out on the route of Vasco da Gama on March 9, 1500 with Pedro Alvares Cabral being on one of those ships.  On April 22nd 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral saw Brazil’s land first. He then began heading for the land. Once on the land he claimed Brazil for Portugal and named the country “Island of the True Cross”  Brazil got its current name from the Brazilwood tree. In Portuguese Brazil wood is called pau-brasil. Brazil first got its name from Pedro Alvares Cabral which named it ILha de Vera Cruz or Island of the True Cross. But as soon as they realized Brazil wasn’t an island they quickly renamed it to Terra de Santa Cruz or Land of the Holy Cross.  In my view, this is very interesting. He actually found Brazil, unlike Christopher Columbus a phony. Also, it’s amazing that Pedro Alvares Cabral came up with a holy name for Brazil even though it said island. I also find it very fascinating that Brazil was so easy to find. It only took Pedro Álvares Cabral a month to find Brazil.

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To learn more about Portuguese Colonizing Brazil click here

The Freeing of mexico

Freeing Of Mexico
Why did Mexico Want Independence so bad from the Spaniards?  Mexico wanted Independence Spain because they wanted to be on their own. Mexicans thought they could handle managing a country without Spain so they wanted Independence. Eventually Mexicans started a war to get Independence from Spain because they thought their country should be treated like an equal to Spain not under ruled by the Spanish. In the early 19th century, Napoleon's occupation of Spain led to the eruptions of rebellions all across Spanish America. On September 16, 1810, a Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Introduced the Mexican War of Independence with the issuing of his Grito de Dolores, or “Cry of Dolores.” Mexico fought for 14 long years and finally achieved Independence from Spain on October 4th 1824.  A Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, launched the Mexican War of Independence with the issuing of his Grito de Dolores. The revolutionary tract, so-named because it was publicly read by Hidalgo in the town of Dolores, called for the end of 300 years of Spaniards rule in Mexico. On Mexican independence day  or in Spanish Dia de la Independencia they celebrate the Cry of Independence on September 16th, 1810 which started the rebellion against the Spaniards. It follows after the day of the Cry of Dolores or in Spanish El Grito de Dolores, which is on September 15th. The Mexican Independence War took place all over mexico. In my view Mexico was right. They could handle themselves. Everyone deserves a chance to be on their own. This ended up to be the correct answer to Mexico’s problem, since they wanted to be on their own they declared Independence after a serious Independence war. Since Mexico gained Independence they have done a phenomenal  job with their country.

For more information of the independence of Mexico here

The Spanish Revolution

The Spanish Revolution
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Why did the Spaniards decide to have a civil war? The Spanish Civil War happened because the military revolted against the Republican government of  Spain, supported by Spain's traditional people. When the original military's plan starting a coup failed to win the entire country, a bloody civil war began because of this. Both sides fought with great brutality. Nationalist received aid from Italy and the Nazi’s from Germany. The Republicans received aid from International Brigades, and the Soviet Union. The Spanish Civil was were for 3 long years. In the 1900s from 1936 to 1939. The Spanish Civil War was located in Spain and started in Morocco,Spain. Throughout the Spanish civil war the fought at places such as Spain, Canary Islands, Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Spanish protectorate in Morocco, Spanish Sahara, North Sea, and Spanish Guinea. People involved were Spain, England, The United States, the Soviet Union, Italy, and Nazi’s from Germany. Francisco Franco the prime minister of that time ended up winning the  Spanish civil war. The Spanish civil war was a war that were fought between the military and the republicans of Spain. It ended up happening because the military didn’t get control of the whole country. In the end both sides had help from powerful allies but the prime minister’s Francisco Franco’s side were the winners. In my view, the military were the wrong ones. They shouldn’t of seized power because it got most of the killed in a pointless bloodshed war. I was happy to know that the Prime Minister of that time Francisco Franco’s side who was loyal to the Royals of Spain ended up winning in the very end. I was sad though that lot’s of lives ended up getting lost in countless of meaningless bloodshed.
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To learn about the Spanish Civil War click here

Headless Mary

                                   The Headless Mary

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After years of being imprisoned, Queen Mary of Scots has been beheaded  Fotheringhay Castle in England due to her being apart in a plot to murder her cousin Queen Elizabeth I. In the year 1568, Mary escaped from imprisonment in Scotland and tried to raise an army unfortunately Queen Mary of Scots was defeated so she quickly decided to flee to England.
Queen Mary’s cousin Queen Elizabeth I at first welcomed Mary with open arms. But then, put her on house arrest due to the constant talk about Mary becoming the next Queen Of England from the English Catholics and Spanish plots. 19 years later, a murder scheme was reported to Queen Elizabeth I and she immediately brought May to trial and sentence her to death for her involvement so she was beheaded.Queen of Scots Queen Mary From Scotland. Reined reigned over Scotland starting at 6 days old on December 14th, 1542 to the day of her beheading on  July 24th 1567. Queen Mary Had a wonderful life until her beheading. She had a son, and had 3 different husbands.After her late husband James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell passed away at age 44 at Dragsholm Castle after being imprisoned and held in horrible conditions by the king of Denmark in their time. James made a plan to seize England's throne and kill Queen Mary’s cousin Queen Elizabeth I. Because Queen Mary’s husband made the plan to kill Queen Elizabeth i and seize the throne she was ordered to be beheaded. Queen Mary of Scots was beheaded for treason. She officially got beheaded 19 years after cruel imprisonment February 8th 1587, at the Linlithgow Palace, Linlithgow, United Kingdom.   Mary had previously claimed Elizabeth's throne as her own and was considered the legit next in line for the throne of England by many English Catholics and others. Considering  her as a threat, her cousin Queen Elizabeth I had her locked up in many different castles and manor houses in the interior of England so could she suffered.I felt really sad for Queen Mary of Scots. She had a horrible life to me besides the fact of having a son. She first had a great marriage with Francis the king of France. But later she had to marry her cousin who got mysteriously assassinated. She went to war with her nobles who were mad her, and then she lost and flew to England while her third husband got captured went mad and eventually died. Queen Mary went to England got caught in an conspiracy and got beheaded. To me I can’t imagine something worse than this. This is a terrible life.  

To learn more about the Beheading of Queen Mary Here